

现在每个星期三的课都是在下午4.50到晚上8.40,而中间就有1个小时多的break time.
通常break的时候我都会去楼下的cc上网,是在很敷衍的过这1个小时多. 可是最近的break time都是Jul Jul在陪我的.
那一天下午下着雨,我以为她来不到了,可是到最后她还是来找我了. 哈哈,超开心的. 
昨天更加惊喜,同样的下着大雨. 补习时我正担心着她怎么过来. 过后我收到了她的信息.
她说下着雨无法过来,抱歉类似的信息. 带点敷衍的 ... 
看了信息后的心情是真的有点低落.  没办法了,所以打算下去楼下的cc上网. 那时的心情是万般的不愿意...下着楼梯时看见另一个正在上楼上另一堂课的朋友.  她说看见JUL. =.=  我还叫她不要玩不要骗我叻.  我真的不知道要信她好还是.......... 就赶下楼去.  我看见 JUL~ 那个傻婆竟然在楼下等我!感动死了! 我奇怪外面下着大雨怎么跑了过来.  哈哈原来她早就来了. (: 我真的好开心. 接着向往常一样喝茶. 说那些有的没的 (:  

我们时常都在吃对方的醋. 有人说我们做朋友做的和谈恋爱一样.
哈哈,的确我们是. 因为生活里真的不能缺少对方.  很开心单身了一段时间的她谈恋爱了. 我希望她幸福. 看见她每次emo自己真的不好受. >.< 
今天我比较忙因为半年后要考试了. 没得像以前那样陪她疯陪她颠. >.<
虽然不是每天都见面可是她在我心里的位置不会变. (; 你们也应该有一个这样的知己吧?好好珍惜哦. ^^

至于感情事我真的不知道怎么样. 真的很烦,我根本就不想去理!!
我不知道自己是还没定性还是什么, 我每一段感情都处理的很有问题. 我寻找的人往往都不是我心中要的那位.  我连自己想的是什么,想要什么都不知道!算了吧,这一切不再重要!!!

别懒惰了, 读书!!!!!!!



Dear...Imissyou so much.
How good if you're right beside me... :(
I choose to not bothering you. t_________t
I don't feel right when you're not with me...
I miss you...I miss you and me.

Baby ♥

Hello ^^ I'm back.

Here is my new picha. Hoho,I've drew a new* thick eyebrows.
Look at my fringe,is that any different? xD Hehe,I made it became median line because I really beh tahan my long fringe...don't feel like cut...I will feel more comfortable with this :D peheeee. ♥♥ 
I likeyyy (:

Right, yesterday I went to KLCC convention centre *the pc fair for stalking my baby. Wuahahaha. I didn't inform him at all...sho fucking hot on yesterday afternoon. =.= my shoe broken some more. What a day! =.= I felt embarrassed because keep ask for baby Jul and Jesper accompany me there. San fu saii yo!
I saw baby yesterday :P 
My baby was cute♥♥  Woow my Lovely dear. He keep said his hair very thick la...this la and that la...=.= I  don't know what he shy!  I saw nothing wrong with him what. I won't dump him also hehe.
He's working there about 3 days. Haihhs! I miss baby sho much :(
There's only a time I can talk with him during these 2 days. Emoemo* :(

I think we have been go through our problems, few more days is our fourth month  Waw time passed like a flow!! :D Seriously,I knew sometimes really you mad because of my bad temper...I will change from now on...I knew you sayang me t________t sorry for making you sad. Sorry for hurting you...I don't mean that...I love you...I will change...I wanted to be a perfect girlfriend (: Just for you*♥ What had happened in tha past just forget bout it,I won't mind I don't care! Look front and stay happy with me :P 


Well,lets step into another topic. (:
Just now I went bookstore with my mommy. I bought a lot of exercise books. Teheeee :D Started to fight for   Spm. Pass is not enough for me,the only I want-ed is A.A.A.A.A.A.A. 

The second one is my undang test,I'm extremely lazy...When only I can get my car license? Hello hello? t___t I just can't wait!!!
 I must fight hard for everything otherwise I will became loser wuahahaha! What a loser... :P
Heyy! You will see the better me. ;)

Backstabbing me means you're jealous! :)
You gotta love me bitch!


I'm down

4 more hours to go...
I'm down...But I will stand up soon...





我就是失败者咯 . 我很辛苦啊 t___t
我做了很多很后悔的事情 我不知道是否来得及
但是我已经尽力的再补救 . 我的命是怎样?
我很难过 , 很压力 .


Everything is so unacceptable...

We separated last night...Is too horror...I couldn't believe my eyes...
Someone told me don't make a conclude while i'm not in the calming situation...
You know what? Yesterday night I was crying and shaking...
I don't know who to find...I wonder what to do... Is really horror...
Let's end...I could't accept all these seriously... t______t I'm suffering...